How often do you see an Instagram user’s story? You can skip certain stories, but there are undoubtedly those that grab our attention, and we find ourselves watching them again and again.

We’ve all probably experienced something similar on Instagram. Perhaps it’s the story of your best friend or your sibling. But the point is the story is too fun to watch just one time.
Now, the person who posts a story on this social networking platform will always see the view count as one, regardless of how many times you watch it. Hence, you are free to view anyone’s story to your heart’s content—no judgment at all.
However, we are here to resolve a matter that has been bothering a lot of users. Do you also wonder if your name goes to the top if you rewatch an Instagram story?
Well, please stay tuned till the end of the blog to find out everything if, like the rest of us, you’re curious about the answers.
If you rewatch Instagram story does your name go to the top?
Replaying the same Instagram story more than once has no impact on where you stand in the list of viewers. It’s very obvious that your name will rise to the top if you react to their stories, and you must have already noticed that.
Apart from that, though, Instagram’s algorithm works mysteriously, and the platform hasn’t exactly disclosed what it takes to become the top user. But one thing is certain: no matter how many times you view it, your name will always stay in the same spot.
It would be a disaster if Instagram began alerting users when you saw someone’s story more than once, don’t you think? It would be rather uncomfortable to see someone get ranked at the top based only on how many times they viewed the story or to have notifications appear every time.
It’s also very evident from this that Instagram doesn’t care to let users know how many times they’ve viewed a story. Before we proceed, let’s discuss how you watch someone’s story on Instagram below.
Here’s how to go about it:
Step 1: Go to Instagram on your phone and make sure you’re logged in.
Step 2: Tap on Your Story at the upper left side of the home page.
Step 3: To display the list of viewers, either Swipe Up or Press the Profile Icon in the lower left corner.
You can scroll down the list of names to see everyone who has watched your story.
Does Instagram notify you when someone views your profile?
We’ve all been intrigued about a profile on Instagram at least once, isn’t it? Perhaps it’s a new classmate who started in the middle of the semester, a crush, or a buddy. Usually, the first thing we do to learn more about that person is to figure out how to access their Instagram account.
The second thing we observe is if the account is public or private. If it’s public, you only need to scroll down the account to view the person’s posts and highlights; there’s nothing more to do.
However, if they have a private account, you still need to send them a follow request so you may thoroughly check their account. Of course, if you’re not ready to follow them but want to know more about them, you may always browse their profile through someone else’s account.
Returning to the original query, we would like you to know that Instagram does not alert users when you browse their profiles. Likewise, you wouldn’t know when someone views your profile.
Of course, there are gaps that may reveal your identity, but if your goal is to remain undetected, we’re here to talk about them so you don’t make those mistakes.
Accidentally Liking Someone’s Post
Imagine yourself scrolling through someone’s Instagram while trying to be discreet about it. You should refrain from liking their posts as a first step.
This interaction will instantly give you away, and they will receive a notification right away. It’s likely that they have already seen the notification, so even if you unlike the post, it will still feel awkward. So please, do your hardest not to like any of their posts—we promise it’s not that difficult.
Making a Comment on their Post
Now, if someone’s goal is to spy around, they will not leave comments on the person’s account by accident. However, we still want you to be aware that leaving a comment on their post might reveal your identity for obvious reasons. Don’t forget this, and start leaving comments everywhere.
Viewing their Story
This is obvious now, is it not? You can’t look at someone’s story and hope they wouldn’t know it. Instagram doesn’t work that way.
If you track their story, the user will know when they see their viewer’s list. Therefore, you need to stay away from it if you don’t want to be exposed, understood?
You may view their highlights instead. Make sure that the highlights are at least 48 hours old.
Why do we say that? Just so you know, only stories posted within the last 48 hours will be visible to the account holder.
And that’s a Wrap
There you go, folks; we are here to wrap up the discussion. You see, Instagram’s algorithm works in unexpected ways, but seeing someone else’s story again and again is certainly not a must to get to the top of the list of viewers.
We’ve also spoken about how to prevent getting your covers blown while checking someone else’s profile and if anyone knows if you view theirs. So, check that section out.
Please feel free to leave any further questions in the comments section below if you would want us to answer them. We want to clear all your doubts related to the topic. You can also follow our website for more interesting how-to guides and tech-related advice.
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