What’s the benefit of having millions of people on the email list if only a few of them actually open and read the emails?
Have you ever wondered why the open rate of your emails was so poor?
If so, you are not alone.
But there is a way to come out of this problem.
The solution is reminder emails.
The reminder email is an effective and useful technique that keeps the recipient updated, and your email will stay at the top of the inbox. This will encourage your subscribers or customers to act upon it immediately.
If you’re new to reminder emails, this guide will tell you how to write a reminder email that gets attention.
In fact, here you can also find reminder email samples that will help you to write customized reminder email that will remind someone to reply to your email.
What is Reminder Email?
A reminder email is exactly what it sounds like, It is a short message that reminds the subscriber/customer/users of something specific that has not been done yet. This could be a task that needs to be completed before a given deadline, a follow-up on a job application, or a late payment reminder.

It helps companies and e-commerce websites to confirm purchases, abandoned carts, special event confirmations, and much more.
A gentle reminder email is the best way to increase your campaign’s effectiveness and activeness as it will show your subscribers or customer that you care about them.
As a result, it will open more opportunities for you as well as your customers.
However, if a reminder email is not constructed appropriately, it makes a person feel less willing to do what is being asked.
Gentle & Polite Reminder Email to Boss Samples
1. Gentle Reminder Email
Sample 1:
Hi {!First Name},
Have you had time to look into this?
Best regards,
Your name
Sample 2:
Hey {!First Name},
Hope you’re great. Just sending you a gentle reminder about this request.
I always hate to send reminders, but the absence of your response is really delaying the matter. Please let me know when you’ll able to look at it.
Your name
2. Gentle Reminder Email to Boss Sample
Sample 1:
{Boss Name},
Following up on our earlier conversation regarding {Plan for the advertising campaign}. Hoping you have some time to discuss today.
{Your Name}
3. Reminder Email to HR
Hi {First Name},
Hope you are well.
This is a gentle reminder to you. I haven’t heard back regarding my previous email. Have you had time to look into this?
Please share your thoughts, I am waiting!!!
{Your Name}
4. Polite Reminder Email to Boss
Hey {First Name},
How are you?
I hope you had time to look through the info. What’s your opinion about this?
Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be glad to answer them.
Best Regards,
Your Name
5. Late Payment Reminder Email
Dear Mr. {First Name},
I hope this note finds you well. This is just a friendly reminder that payment on invoice number #67536, which we sent on December 18th, was due last Monday.
I would appreciate it if you could take a moment and look over the invoice when you get a chance.
Could you please let me know when I can expect the payment? If payment has already been made, please disregard this email.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Kind regards,
Your name
6. Delay Work Reminder Email
Hello {First Name}
Recognizing your very busy schedule, I wanted to remind you that your task was due two days ago.
I am happy to help if you have encountered any obstacles or you simply have some questions about it.
Looking forward to your answer.
Your Name
Different Situations that Require Reminder Email
There are so many different situations in which you need to be reminded of something but email is a great way of reminding someone of what they need to do.
Below you can find the list of an instance when you may need to send:
1. Overdue Payment
No one likes being paid late. Yet, many small business owners face this predicament more often than we’d like.
According to the reports 79% of business owners have had trouble getting paid.
So if someone owes you money and it’s late then you must need to send late payment reminder mail.
2. Late Work
Most software companies work as a team on a particular project.
But what if someone hasn’t completed their work? Obviously, it can affect the project completion time.
3. Job Application Follow Up
If you are looking for a job and want to follow up on interviews then sometimes you need to write reminder mail to HR in a polite way.
4. Event Reminder Email
Most of the time people subscribe to an event newsletter to receive specific updates. Sending update notifications before the deadline might be helpful for the subscribers.
Also, there is a webinar, appointment, business, meeting, and polite reminder email.
How to Write a Reminder Email
So, Till now we have discussed what reminder email is and different situations, now it’s time to look at how to write it down.
1. Subject Line (Most Important)
Did you know that 78% of people judge emails by their subject lines?
In other words, the subject line is your first and maybe last impression on users.
So if you are planning to skip the subject line then it’s not going to work, at the same time message without a subject line often goes directly to the spam folder.
Always use power words like “Response Required” or “Attention” in the subject which will help to get the recipient’s attention and increase the chance of opening your message.
Also don’t forget to include the name of the project, company, or maybe event.
So once you decide the subject line, your mail should look like this:

After selecting the eye-catching subject line, you are now ready to move on to the next step is creating your friendly reminder email.
2. Salutation
Each email is directed toward someone. The salutation directly addresses the recipient you are sending the mail.
It’s always used in a formal email but sometimes people skip this part for formal messages.
Always start your message with a greeting and be respectful. If you are unfamiliar with the recipient or do not know the name then use “Dear sir/madam” or “To whom it may concern”.
You may also proceed with the name with a “Hi”, only if the relationship is more casual.

3. Your Message
Once you select the subject line and salutation, now it’s time to cover the body of the message.
Starts your message with a positive note something like “I hope you are doing well” This keeps your message from seeming too harsh.
Next, you need to communicate the purpose of your message. Explain what is overdue such as payment, shipment, or work and when it was supposed to have been completed.
You can also add a CAT button that will helps the recipient to get to the bottom of the issue easily.

4. Close Your Message
The closing line of your message should reflect the tone of your request. If you have used an informal tone then a closing line should be informal as well. Likewise, if your email is formal then a closing line should be formal.
How to Add Reminder Email in Gmail
Now you can easily add a reminder in Gmail by following simple steps:
Go to Settings > General tab > Scroll down to Nudges > Check both boxes Suggest emails to follow up on” & “Suggest emails to reply to”
I hope guys you enjoyed this ultimate guide to writing a reminder email in 2023.
Now I’d like to hear what you have to say:
Have you ever had to write a gentle reminder email to Boss? If so, how did you handle it?
Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
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